
Interesting facts about the human body


The human body continues to amaze scientists even in the era of advanced medical technology. Researchers are constantly discovering new features of our bodies, many of which seem incredible. Here are the most interesting scientific facts about the functioning of the human body.

A one-minute kiss burns about 6.4 calories. During the kiss, 278 types of bacteria are exchanged between partners.

The human body can survive without food for 30-40 days, without water for 3-5 days, and without air for no more than 6 minutes.

The pressure in the circulatory system is so powerful that it can theoretically throw blood up to 10 meters away.

In a day, the blood in the body covers a total distance of about 97000 kilometers.

During life, the body produces about 450 kilograms of red blood cells. Interestingly, blood plasma is similar in biochemical composition to sea water. 

The heart of an adult has different weights in men and women: on average 300 and 270 grams, respectively. At the same time, the male heart beats somewhat slower than the female.

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and the liver is the heaviest internal organ.

The tongue is considered the strongest muscle in the body.

The kidneys contain a million microscopic tubes, the total length of which in two kidneys reaches 65 kilometers.

The total surface area of the lungs is approximately 100 square meters.

After age 30, a person's height begins to gradually decrease.

Earlobes continue to grow throughout life.

Blondes grow beards faster than brunettes.

Fingernails grow four times faster than toenails.

Over the course of a lifetime, a person's hair grows more than 950 kilometers.

By age 60, people have lost about half of their taste buds.

The human eye can distinguish 10 million shades of color.

People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain.

Touching the skin causes an electrical impulse that reaches the spinal cord at a speed of 170 meters per second.

Women blink about twice as often as men.

More than 30% of people sneeze in bright light, and it is physically impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

Even a short phrase requires 72 muscles to be pronounced.

Short-term memory can process 5-9 tasks simultaneously.

The most common infectious disease in the world is caries.

Only humans and dogs suffer from prostatitis.

One of the less obvious reasons for hearing loss may be overeating.

A pack of cigarettes smoked per day leaves in the body an amount of tar equal to one cup.



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