
Eight common bosses mistakes


All people, without exception, tend to make mistakes, and bosses are no exception. Minor mistakes of the bosses usually do not lead to any negative consequences and can be corrected "on the fly", but there are some types of serious mistakes that can be costly for a company or organization that is under the leadership of such a leader.

From one extreme to the next. Many leaders believe that a totalitarian leadership style is the most effective. In some ways, this is justified, the team should be kept in a certain rigor, but when control over the work of subordinates turns into total surveillance, fines for every minor offense and unreasonably high, sometimes unrealizable requirements, to which are added insults and public "scolding", most workers in such a team do not stay long. Personnel turnover begins, which suffers from the quality of the company's work. Such leaders, as a rule, do not listen to anyone, considering themselves more competent and smarter than everyone else put together.

On the contrary, excessive softness and the desire to be “ours” for subordinates also does not lead to anything good. Feelings of impunity can relax even the most disciplined workers.

Incompetence and ignorance of the matter. Any manager is obliged to understand all the intricacies of the business in which his company is engaged, even if he himself came to it from the outside. A hospital cannot be run by a person who does not have a medical education and has not worked in the hospital even for a day, even as an intern. A good head of a nuclear power plant cannot be a person without a nuclear physicist's diploma in his pocket. Ignorance of the intricacies and aspects of the case leads to the fact that such a leader sets impossible tasks for subordinates and can easily ruin the work of the organization.

Inability to delegate some of the powers. As a result, you are taking full responsibility for every little thing in the company on yourself. A competent leader always finds assistants who can be entrusted with some of his least important duties, and he himself can devote time to really serious issues, which he must decide. Otherwise, a leader who decides to “embrace the immensity” risks scattering his attention on the little things and missing out on something really serious. In addition, such hyperresponsibility for everything often leads to professional burnout, chronic fatigue syndrome and illness.

Lack of career prospects for high-value workers. The bosses, which do not appreciate those who actually "carry" the work of the company or organization, are doomed to the fact that good specialists will leave in search of a more promising career place. Financial and job incentives for those who know their business and have been working flawlessly for a long time can keep such valuable workers in place, which has a beneficial effect on the common cause.

Failure to comply with their obligations. It often happens that when inviting a new employee, the bosses promise quite acceptable working conditions and wages, and after the newcomer starts work, these rules are immediately revised not in his favor. Or the promise of a promotion for a completed complex and important project turns out to be an empty phrase. All this also leads to the fact that employees of such managers do not stay for a long time and leave.

Unwillingness to follow the new. Life is changing rapidly, and leaders who are unable to accept this new reality and adjust the company's work to it can ruin even a completely successful enterprise. Example: distribution of remote work under lockdown conditions, organization of home delivery of goods or services, and so on. The biggest mistake that a leader can make in such a situation is to say: "We have never done this and will not do this" or "We will wait until everything is normalized." This is a sure road to failure. The leader should not only require his subordinates to retrain "on the fly" in accordance with the new requirements of reality, but also retrain himself and not be ashamed of the fact that he does not know something.

Pets and outcasts. Even if someone from the team is somewhat unsympathetic to the leader (or vice versa), to demonstrate in public and emphasize their sympathies or antipathies is a bad tactic. This leads to a split in the team, gossip and setups. When “favorites” make serious mistakes and do not bear any responsibility for it, this may not only displease the team, but also damage the work of the company. On the other hand, outcasts are not forgiven for even minor miscalculations. This tactic breeds unhealthy team relationships. Prohibitions and rules should apply to all employees, without exception.

The fear of responsibility. To make decisions, you need to understand the business you are doing and clearly understand the consequences of your choice. Delay in decision-making can expose the company to a serious blow (do not forget about vigilant competitors) or lower the authority of the bosses in the eyes of subordinates (it is difficult to work with a boss who thinks too long and is afraid of every step). Of course, you shouldn't rush into battle without considering every step, but the fear of making important decisions is a bad helper.

Beginning leaders, to one degree or another, make most of the above mistakes. These mistakes can and should be fought; experience comes with time. The main thing is not to consider yourself right in everything and not be afraid to learn from your own mistakes.

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