
7 factors that can turn work into torture


Most people cite high wages, good working conditions, loyal corporate policies, etc. as the main factors influencing their job satisfaction. However, completely different things can irritate everyone. The popular job and employee search site cited some factors that cause dissatisfaction among most people, regardless of their profession.

Negative environment and unhealthy communications

A difficult work environment can lead to decreased motivation and desire to go to the office. Conflicting colleagues, dissatisfied clients and authoritarian managers are common problems, but they can be solved. Especially if the company values respect and correct communication. In this case, any negative situations will be resolved quickly and effectively.

What to do? When faced with destructive communication, don't take it for granted. The principles of business ethics have not been canceled. Depending on who you are communicating with (colleague or client), choose the appropriate tactics. In general, it is important to remain calm, find out the reasons for dissatisfaction and focus on constructive points. If toxic behavior in a company is not the exception, but the norm, evaluate your strengths and decide whether you are ready to continue working in such conditions.

Gossip, intrigue

Intrigue and gossip are often perceived as a way to advance one's career. In some companies they are even becoming the norm, but not all employees are ready for this style of communication.

What to do? Avoid destructive communications. If they try to drag you into an argument or gossip, simply remain silent, explain that you do not want to discuss this topic, offer an alternative conversation or change the topic. Talk about facts, not subjective opinions. Don't be afraid to ask your manager for clarification, even if the situation seems minor. It is better to prevent a conflict than to resolve it after it has already flared up.

Feelings of meaninglessness at work

Many people believe that the most important thing in work is the salary. However, for most people it is also important to feel that they are doing something important that benefits others or society as a whole. If work seems meaningless, it can lead to apathy and demotivation.

What to do? Finding new meanings in the profession is the way to increase motivation and job satisfaction. Think about who your profession is useful to and make an effort to make it even more valuable. Even small changes in work processes can improve the situation and benefit the company and colleagues.

Uncomfortable working conditions

Noise, stuffiness, uncomfortable chairs, lack of light - all this can lead to decreased concentration, fatigue and increased stress.

What to do? Some tips on how to cope with uncomfortable working conditions:

- politely ask your colleagues to keep their conversations quieter or in another room. If this doesn't help, use noise-canceling headphones.
- improve ventilation. Ventilate the room regularly and use humidifiers. If this does not help, contact the company management with a request to install an air conditioner or other ventilation systems.
- think about working from home. If all other methods do not help, find out about the possibility of working from home or another place where working conditions are more comfortable.

Asynchronous work and unstructured processes

Inconsistency between departments and outdated procedures reduce the efficiency of the company. For example, if marketers announce a discount, but do not warn the sales department about it, the latter will be bombarded with a barrage of requests for which the employees are not prepared.

Also, employees do not want to do work that requires unnecessary steps or does not bring results. This leads to disappointment in work and decreased motivation.

What to do? Discuss the problem with those in charge and propose a solution. This will help draw attention to the problem and find ways to solve it. You will be able to prove yourself as an initiative and responsible employee.

Unprofessionalism and work for show

The indifference of colleagues and managers demotivates even the most dedicated employees.

When there is an atmosphere of indifference, even the most hardworking employee can feel like their efforts are in vain. This happens when a manager does not pay enough attention to his subordinates and does not motivate them to achieve results.

What to do? It is important to understand your priorities at work. If you are passionate about business and want to create something worthwhile together with like-minded people, then the outright lack of professionalism in the company will irritate you. If the team is open to discussing shortcomings and strives for development, then you can contribute to improving processes. If no one needs this, then you should think about whether you should continue working in such a company.

Recycling as the norm

In some companies, overwork is considered a sign of a good employee. This seems paradoxical, because the more efficiently you work, the less time you spend on completing the task. If an employee does everything on time, but is constantly late, then most likely he is simply overloaded. In this case, management should reconsider his workload, and not demand even more from him. However, most often the opposite happens: overwork becomes the norm.

What to do? It is important to discuss all working conditions with the employer in advance, including the possibility of overtime. During the interview, ask whether the company has overtime, how often they happen, in what cases and in what volumes. If you are willing to stay late or work on weekends, then agree on how this will be paid. If you are not ready for overtime under any circumstances, then also inform your employer about this.

Remember that an employee has not only responsibilities, but also rights that are specified in the employment contract and regulated by law.

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