
Vacation: not a luxury, but a necessity


Scientific evidence shows that resting after work in the evenings and on weekends is not enough to restore strength. Lack of rest does not go unnoticed.

Why do we need a vacation?

Vacation is a boost of productivity and creativity

Research by Austrian scientists confirms that vacation is not just a pleasant pastime, but also a necessity for maintaining high performance and creativity. A survey of office workers showed that after a break, people feel more energetic and motivated.

An ideal vacation, according to scientists, should combine: a change of scenery, physical activity, communication with new people, and healthy sleep.

The length of the vacation, oddly enough, does not play a decisive role. They recover equally well in both seven and 14 days.

In addition to increasing productivity, vacations stimulate creativity. A study of the history of fashion houses has shown that the travel of creative directors directly influences the novelty and originality of collections.

The secret lies in the neuroplasticity of the brain. When we learn new things, new neural connections are formed in the brain. Developed neuroplasticity of the brain leads to cognitive flexibility, that is, a person adapts more easily to new conditions, quickly finds solutions to problems and is less susceptible to stress.

Rest reduces symptoms of burnout

Constant stress at work can lead to burnout syndrome. This condition is characterized by fatigue, cynicism and aversion to work.

The unpleasant symptoms of burnout do not completely disappear even after the weekend. These may include physical problems, such as sleep disturbances.

HeadHunter research shows that more than 80% of workers have experienced symptoms of burnout.

Israeli scientists have found that annual leave, even a short one (7-10 days), can reduce the symptoms of burnout. Dutch researchers came to the conclusion that several short vacations throughout the year are more effective than one long one.

However, vacation is not a panacea. Symptoms of burnout usually return within three weeks of rest.

Why? Vacation only temporarily eliminates the causes of burnout, for example, overwork or disorganization of the work process.

Having returned to the usual routine, a person again encounters stress factors, which quickly leads to new exhaustion.

The main way to combat burnout is to identify stressors and eliminate them.

Anticipation of relaxation reduces stress

American scientists have proven that waiting for a vacation can significantly reduce stress levels.

For a month before the vacation and a month after it, study participants wore pulse oximeters that tracked their heart rate. Additionally, they completed weekly surveys to assess their stress levels.

The purpose of the study was to examine how the anticipation of a vacation affects stress and how long the restorative effects of a vacation last. It is known that under stress, the heart rate increases. In a calm state, it ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute, and during stress it rises above 100.

The results of the study showed that the closer the vacation was, the lower the stress level became.

Travel as a cure for depression

Scientists are increasingly finding a connection between lack of vacation and the development of depressive disorders.

Women are especially vulnerable to this: every 10 days of rest reduces their risk of depression by an average of 29%. For women with two or more children, this figure is even higher – 38%.

The effectiveness of vacations as a preventive measure against depression is confirmed by a study in which the mental state of 1500 women working on farms was monitored for five years. The results showed that the likelihood of depression was higher among those who took vacation only once every two years.

Vacations that include travel have proven to be most effective in combating depression. Scientists from Korea came to this conclusion after analyzing data from more than 8500 people. They found that those who had not traveled for more than a year had a 71% higher risk of depression.

From all of the above, we can conclude that vacation is not a luxury, but an investment in your health, productivity and creativity.


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