
Why effective employees quit: the eight most common reasons


Not so often there are people who have worked in the same place “from start to finish”, that is, from the moment of graduation from the university until retirement. The human psyche requires change and few people have the patience to hold on to one job for many years. People change jobs for a variety of reasons—sometimes personal, sometimes professional. Consider the most common reasons why good employees, valued by superiors and colleagues, quit.

The most common reason is financial. It is not surprising that people often leave even the job they like, preferring to it the one where the pay is better. You can’t blame it, after all, the vast majority of people work in order to satisfy their basic needs (food, housing, maintaining health and providing necessary children), and not for the sake of an idea.

Another common reason for dismissal is career. Lack of career prospects, “stuck” in one position for years causes fair dissatisfaction of professionals with good potential and knowledge that they cannot fully use. “In this position, I do not grow as a professional and do not develop”, - is how many young employees often explain their decision to quit.

Excessively high workloads can cause even the most conscientious employees to quit a good job. Increased responsibility, constant nervous tension and rush work at work - all this can lead to a condition called burnout syndrome. Often, even a good salary does not stop those who decide to take time out and just relax at home or at a less stressful job.

Inflexible schedule. Often becomes the reason for the dismissal of women. It is no secret that most of the household and raising children lies with the woman. She takes the children to school, kindergarten or clubs, takes them to the doctors and sits with them at home if they are sick. The need to pay more attention to children often conflicts with work responsibilities. In the case when the authorities are reluctant to meet requests to take another day off or the specifics of the work are such that time off is not accepted at all, the choice is made in favor of dismissal and looking for a job with a more flexible schedule.

Too much distance from home to work. Not everyone is ready to spend one and a half to two hours on the road, especially those who have a family and children. The road by public transport takes quite a lot of effort, which I would like to spend on the work itself, but they simply do not remain.

Toxic team atmosphere. The reason for this can be both employees who systematically engage in intrigues, gossip and showdown, and bosses who single out two or three favorites and ignore the needs and rights of everyone else. This attitude often leads to a toxic atmosphere among employees. The desire to remain part of the team is also killed by conflicts with superiors, lack of respect for one's work, ignoring promises, discrimination on any basis, excessive control in everything, as well as unhealthy rivalry between colleagues.

Some people can't stand boredom and routine. It is they who often change jobs for the sake of changing impressions and areas of activity. They may be professionals in many areas, but they do not stay anywhere for a long time, being constantly in search of something new.

Change of priorities and desire to change the field of activity. The decision to quit for this reason is often made by those who are disillusioned with their profession or who have reached the maximum and understand that further growth is unlikely. Occupational burnout can also be a cause.

Less common reasons for changing jobs include a desire to focus more on yourself, your family and your hobbies, starting your own business, moving to another city, health problems and lack of interest in your work.

Whatever the reason for the dismissal, if the employee is clearly focused on changing jobs, it is unlikely that he will be able to keep him for a long time. However, there are ways to minimize staff turnover. This is a healthy atmosphere in the team, a fair assessment of the work of each of the employees, career prospects and development as a specialist, a decent salary and the opportunity to rest.


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