
How to pass an interview successfully and make a good impression on the employer


The interview is an important part of the job search. Of course, the fact that you were invited for an interview does not mean that the job is already in your “pocket”. There are certain techniques and rules for passing an interview that permit you to make a good impression on the employer and present yourself as a professional in the best possible light. If you take them into service, the chances of passing the interview successfully and finding a “dream job” will increase significantly.

1. Before submitting a resume, you should study the company in which you plan to work. You will have to familiarize yourself with the company's website, look for reviews about it on the Internet, use other sources, for example, find out the opinion of people who have worked or are working in it.

2. Study the position for which you are applying - what duties you have to perform, work schedule, mandatory requirements.

3. Prepare answers to the most frequently asked questions during the interview: “Tell us a little about yourself”, “Why do you want to work with us?”, “Why do you think you are suitable for this position?” and “Why did you quit/want to quit your last job?”

4. You must come to the interview neatly dressed. If a company or organization has adopted a dress code, you should choose a style of clothing that is as close as possible to this dress code. Do not overdo perfume with strong aromas, and women should not abuse make-up.

5. Do not be late for an interview.

6. During the interview, try to look into the eyes of the company representative who is interviewing you, do not interrupt him. If the question is not clear or confused, do not be shy to ask again and clarify.

7. Do not lie openly about your competence in any field. Embellishing your virtues, a little is sometimes in place, but outright lies will be revealed very quickly and you will not linger in a new job.

8. Answer questions to the point, without verbosity and unnecessary details of your own biography. Do not get carried away with excessive gestures and try to follow facial expressions and intonations. It is important to find a balance between unnecessary emotionality and an overly cold and detached manner in answering questions.

9. Try to carry yourself with dignity. You should not make it clear that you are in a difficult financial situation, in poverty and ready for any conditions (even if this is really the case). However, an overly self-confident demeanor is even more inappropriate.

10. Some people get so nervous during an interview that they can't make the right impression on a potential employer. If you are in this category, you can use a few simple tricks before starting the interview to calm down a little:

  • take a few deep breaths;
  • cross your palms and gently press them on your chest several times, as if doing artificial respiration to yourself;
  • if you have a talisman that you think brings good luck, take it with you and touch it from time to time.

11. Be prepared to be asked to name your weaknesses. Answering, do not overly belittle yourself, as well as lie that you have no flaws at all.

12. Do not criticize your past employer and colleagues - you risk giving the impression of a quarrelsome and conflicting person. If there was a negative experience of being fired from a previous job, consider how to explain your departure as delicately as possible, without getting personal.

Of course, each interview follows its own scenario, completely different from other scenarios, and it is impossible to predict in advance exactly how it will go. But you can always think through your answers in order to present yourself in a favorable light and at the same time be honest with a potential employer.


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