
Japan battles forest fires that have been raging for more than a week


In Iwate Prefecture, the city of Ofunato, a massive forest fire has been out of control for six days, becoming the largest in Japan in the last 35 years. According to the latest data from March 3, the fire has covered an area of ​​2,100 hectares, having grown by 300 hectares. This fire exceeds in scale the 1992 fire in Kushiro (Hokkaido), when 1,030 hectares of forest were destroyed, MIR 24 reports with reference to Asia News Network.

The city authorities have issued an evacuation order for 4,596 residents from 1,896 households. At the moment, 3,661 people have left their homes, which is about 11% of the population of Ofunato. Local residents are anxiously watching the spreading smoke, since the fire has not yet been localized.

Nineteen helicopters, including eight from the Japan Self-Defense Force, and ground firefighting crews are involved in the firefighting operation. According to the Ofunato government, 1,197 evacuees were being housed in 12 shelters as of Monday morning, while another 2,464 people were being sheltered with relatives or elsewhere.

The fire has already destroyed more than 80 homes and buildings, according to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency.

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