An annual campaign has begun in Belgium, calling on residents of the country to exclude meat from their diet for a month. Participants of the initiative are invited to get acquainted with vegetarian cuisine and learn about the positive impact of a plant-based diet on human health and the ecology of the planet, reports.
According to the organizers, even a temporary refusal to eat meat products helps to significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment. According to their calculations, a month without meat reduces greenhouse gas emissions in an amount equivalent to the exhaust of a car that has traveled 555 kilometers. In addition, such a step allows you to save about 84 thousand liters of water, which is comparable to 530 full bathtubs.
The initiative also aims to help people rethink their eating habits and possibly make them more balanced in the long term.
The campaign has been held in Belgium for several years now and attracts thousands of participants. This year, many restaurants have joined in, offering a special menu for those who decide to support the initiative.
Environmentalists note that livestock farming is one of the main sources of nitrogen oxide emissions, which creates a greenhouse effect 300 times stronger than carbon dioxide. That is why Europeans are increasingly reviewing their diets in order to reduce the negative impact on the environment.