
GDG Ashgabat is pleased to invite you to the annual DevFest'2024


Google Developer Groups Ashgabat (GDG Ashgabat) is pleased to invite you to the annual DevFest'2024!

DevFest is an exciting event that brings together technology enthusiasts, professionals and developers of all levels. This year's conference will focus on Responsible AI, one of the hottest topics in the world of technology.

The festival offers: insights from leading industry experts, panel discussions on exciting topics, practical sessions where you can learn new tools and technologies.

Date: December 1

Venue: Ish Nokady Conference Hall, Arkach Business Center

Participation is free, but registration is required: Register

Follow GDG Ashgabat community website or here for program and schedule updates.

Join DevFest'2024 to immerse yourself in the world of innovation, gain new knowledge and become part of the global developer community!

Phone: +99362135599

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