
“Les Miserables”: 5 architectural masterpieces, the construction of which was not initially welcomed


Many architectural structures, considered masterpieces today, were once persecuted. They were criticized for being expensive, excessively extravagant and inconsistent with traditions.

We bring to your attention 5 monuments that were initially rejected by society.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable symbols of France. Today it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of tourists every year. However, few people know that in 1889, after construction was completed, it caused a storm of criticism.

Many Parisians considered the tower tacky and out of place in the historic city center. They called her a “nightmare” and a “monster”. Even famous writers and artists such as Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas Jr. opposed the construction of the tower.

Maupassant, in turn, dined at a restaurant on the ground floor of the tower. When asked why he did this, the writer replied: “This is the only place in Paris from where it cannot be seen”.

In 1889, 300 art representatives signed a petition demanding the tower be demolished. However, the petition was rejected.


The Sagrada Familia is a cathedral in Barcelona, Spain, designed by the famous Catalan architect Antoni Gaudi. Construction of the cathedral began in 1882 and continues to this day. Construction is planned to be completed in 2030. Construction of the

Sagrada Familia is progressing slowly because it is financed by donations.

The Sagrada Familia consists of three facades dedicated to the Nativity of Christ, the Passion of Christ and the Resurrection of Christ.

The cathedral was designed by Antoni Gaudi in a unique style that is not repeated by any other cathedral in the world. Gaudi was a talented architect, but his designs were often innovative and unusual. When construction of the cathedral just began, the residents of Barcelona greeted it with distrust. They believed that Gaudi was too fashionable an architect and that his project did not comply with the traditions of the Catholic Church. They even called the cathedral “the most idiotic building on Earth”.

Today, the Sagrada Familia is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most visited tourist sites in Barcelona.

Photo: Adams

The Sydney Opera House is visited annually by about 2 million people (more than 3000 performances), the building itself is visited by more than 10 million.

Its unique shape, reminiscent of a sailboat, was designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon. However, this complex design would not have been possible without the engineering talent of Ove Arup. They quarreled constantly, but it was Arup who found functional solutions to Utzon's dreamy ideas.

Construction of the theater began in 1959 and lasted 14 years. Construction was originally planned to be completed in four years, but due to a number of factors, including the complexity of the project, lack of funding and a change in architect, the construction schedule was continually delayed.

In addition, the project was very expensive. In the early stages of construction, it was expected to cost 7 million USD, but the cost ultimately exceeded 100 million USD.

It is not surprising that when the theater finally opened in 1973, it was met with misunderstanding and even hostility from the public.


Mansion of Arseny Morozov. The heir to a huge fortune, Morozov was known for his frivolous behavior. When he announced to his mother Varvara his intention to build a mansion in the Art Nouveau style, she was shocked.

“Before, I was the only one who knew that you were a fool, but now all of Moscow will know!” - she exclaimed.

During the construction stage, the house caused so much criticism and ridicule that even Leo Tolstoy in his novel “Resurrection” alludes to it and calls it “a stupid, unnecessary palace of a stupid and unnecessary person”.

However, Arseny was adamant. He was fascinated by the Art Nouveau architecture he saw during his travels in Europe. In 1895, Arseny ordered the construction of a mansion to the architect Viktor Mazyrin. Construction lasted three years.

Today, the Reception House of the Government of the Russian Federation - this is the current official name of the Arseny Morozov mansion - is used for meetings of government delegations, diplomatic negotiations, and conferences of international organizations.

Photo: Cherukupelli

The Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous sculptures in the world, did not immediately win the love of Americans. The main symbol of America was a gift from France for the centennial anniversary of Independence Day.

The statue was created solely from donations. According to an agreement between the governments of the two countries, the Americans took upon themselves the construction of the pedestal, and the French - the manufacture of the statue, its delivery and installation. The collection of donations was rather sluggish. The French needed to raise 400 000 USD for the statue, while the Americans only needed 250 000 USD.

One of the main opponents of the statue was the New York Times. She regularly published articles criticizing the project. In one of them, the newspaper even called the statue a “bronze woman” and stated that not a single true patriot would think of spending money on such a structure.

Despite criticism, in 1885 the statue, divided into 350 fragments, was delivered to the United States by the frigate “Isere”. Work continued for four months to assemble the statue, and finally, on October 28, 1886, it was opened to the public.


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