
The phenomenon of “disappearing giftedness” in women: the impact of emotions on potential


The scientific community has long been interested in the question: why are girls who show high results in school less likely to achieve outstanding success in adult life compared to boys? This phenomenon, called “disappearing giftedness”, has become the subject of numerous studies.

Statistics show that at birth the number of gifted boys and girls is approximately equal (100 to 111). According to the Stanford-Binet intelligence scale, girls outperform boys in development up to the age of 16. However, in adulthood the picture changes: 14% of men and only 7% of women receive an academic degree, and 47% of men and 6% of women receive a high-paying job.

What is “disappearing giftedness”?

This is a phenomenon when talented girls who show high intelligence in childhood stop developing their abilities in adulthood. Scientists believe that one of the main reasons is increased anxiety.

Why does anxiety hinder success?

Girls are naturally more emotional than boys, although they are capable of multitasking thanks to the corpus callosum in the brain. Frequent activation of neural pathways through the centers responsible for anxiety can reinforce this state and block the desire for new knowledge and achievements.

When we feel anxious, certain areas of the brain become active, which, roughly speaking, “slow down” other important processes. It’s as if someone pressed pause while we were performing an important task.

Where does anxiety come from?

Social expectations: Girls are often told that they should be good, obedient, and not too smart or ambitious.

Fear of failure: The fear of not living up to the expectations of others can be paralyzing and prevent you from achieving your goals.

Biological differences: Scientists have found that the brains of girls and boys work slightly differently, which can affect how they perceive stressful situations.

How can we help girls realize their potential?

Create a safe environment. It is important for girls to feel the support of their loved ones and believe in themselves.

Develop emotional intelligence. Learning to manage your emotions is an important skill for achieving success.

Encourage curiosity. Maintain interest in learning and new knowledge.

Fight stereotypes. Change public opinion about the role of women in society.


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