
The Turkmen Agricultural Institute announces admission to the number of students for the 2019/2020 academic year in the following areas (specialties) of training:

г. Дашогуз, ул. Рухнама, 94
9-33-92, 9-40-68, 9-38-65
Last update:

1. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (specialties: agronomy; selection and seed production of agricultural crops; agroecology; operation of irrigation and drainage systems; organization and technology of technical services; land management and cadastre; greenhouse farming).
Directions and specialties of training specialists for a fee:
1. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries (specialties: agricultural chemistry and soil science; hydroamelioration; agricultural mechanization).
2. Veterinary and livestock (specialty: veterinary).
3. Economics and management (specialty: agricultural economics, accounting and auditing in agriculture).
4. Informatics and computer engineering (specialty: information systems in agriculture).
The Institute accepts citizens of Turkmenistan not older than 35 years old, having a general secondary or secondary vocational education, based on the results of entrance examinations on a competitive basis.
Reception of documents is carried out in the centers of Lebap, Mary, Dashoguz provinces from July 8 to July 21, 2019.
List of documents:
- application addressed to the rector in the prescribed form;
- application form in the prescribed form;
- document on general secondary or secondary vocational education (original);
- medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan;
- description from the last place of study (work, military unit);
- eight 3x4 photos;
- a certified copy of the work record for employees;
- the winners of the state school Olympiad, members of national teams of Turkmenistan who participated in international competitions in general education in the year of enrollment, who enjoy the pre-emptive right to enroll in state institutions of secondary and higher vocational education, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations, pass the original of the relevant documents confirming these grounds .
In addition, those who come along with the above documents present and submit to the admission committee copies of the following documents:
- passport;
- served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan - a military ID, and young men who did not pass military service, registration certificate and certificate from the military commissariat at the place of residence.
The applicant may submit other documents that confirm his priority right when enrolling in the number of students.
The applicant is personally responsible for the incorrectly provided information and documents.
Entrance examinations and admission are carried out at the Institute (Dashoguz) in the following terms:
Mary province - July 24-25, July 28 and July 30
Lebap Province - July 26-27, July 29 and July 31
Dashoguz welayat - August 1-2-3, August 4-5 and August 6
Entrance examinations are held in the following subjects:
areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (agronomy; selection and seed production of agricultural crops; agroecology; agrochemistry and soil science; hothouse economy), veterinary medicine and zootechny - chemistry, biology, history of Turkmenistan;
areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries (hydroamelioration; operation of irrigation and drainage systems; agricultural mechanization; organization and technology of technical services; land management and cadastre), computer science and computer technology - mathematics, physics, history of Turkmenistan;
direction economics and management - mathematics, biology and history of Turkmenistan.
Entrance examinations in subjects are conducted on the basis of curricula for secondary schools of Turkmenistan.
Entrance examinations in subjects are held orally in the state language.
Persons who did not appear without good reason for the exam at the scheduled time or did not pass the exam in one of the subjects are not allowed to follow the examinations.
Preemptive right when enrolling in students on the basis of entrance examinations with the same number of points are:
- Persons who have completed military service by conscription;
- tenants and landowners who have high production figures for the last 2–3 years, upon recommendation of the khyakimlik of the etrap when entering the relevant specialty.
The address of the Turkmen Agricultural Institute: Dashoguz, st. Ruhnama, 94; tel .: 9-33-92, 9-40-68, 9-38-65.

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