
WHO Advisory Mission Strengthens Turkmenistan's Pandemic Preparedness


Global public health is consistently jeopardized by unpredictable and destructive power of respiratory virus pandemics, which can cause immense harm to health, society, and economies.

To improve the national capacity for planning, preparedness, and response to potential respiratory pathogen pandemics in Turkmenistan, the World Health Organization Country Office (WHO CO) organized a technical advisory mission.

The mission was organized within the implementation of the Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework in Turkmenistan. To achieve its objectives, a national multisectoral workshop was convened in Ashgabat on March 4-5, 2025. The workshop was led by WHO/Europe experts Claire Blackmore, Michala Hegermann-Lindencrone, and Technical Officers on Pandemic Planning and Preparedness, Sarah Lee Hess - WHO Headquarters and Ayjeren Myratdurdyyeva, WHO CO in Turkmenistan. The main aim was to introduce the WHO initiative Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) to relevant national experts and to develop the National pandemic plan for respiratory pathogens.

The workshop brought together representatives from the five components of the health emergency preparedness, response and resilience, which include emergency coordination, collaborative surveillance, community protection, clinical care and access to countermeasures.

Through collaborative discussions, the participants of the workshop reached key agreements that will build basis for the development of the country’s pandemic plan. This included defining the plan's scope and structure, stakeholder roles and responsibilities, and creating a timeline for finalization and endorsement of the national pandemic plan.

This joint effort showcases Turkmenistan's commitment to strengthening its public health infrastructure and ensuring effective responses to future health emergencies. The workshop fostered a multi-sectoral approach, bringing together experts from various fields to contribute to a comprehensive national plan.

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