
UNESCO Chair at Turkmen State University celebrates two years


The UNESCO Department “Cultural Heritage: from the Past to the Future” at the Magtymguly Turkmen State University is celebrating its second anniversary.

As reported in the newspaper “Neutral Turkmenistan”, in honor of the second anniversary of the department at Magtymguly Turkmen State University, a ceremonial conference “The policy of peace and trust of permanently neutral Turkmenistan is the basis of cultural and humanitarian cooperation” was held.On behalf of the Secretariat of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO, the initiative teachers of the department were awarded certificates of honor. The cultural program of the event was presented by the creative team of the university "Bagtyýarlyk owazlary".

Over the past two years, various scientific and practical conferences have been organized under the auspices of the department. As a result of one of them, a collection of articles about great women in the history of Turkmen ethnology was published, the authors of which were not only scientists of the state university, but also researchers from the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and other Turkmen universities.

Another collection was published following the conference held in May last year in honor of the creative world of Magtymguly Fragi. At that time, representatives of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network, secondary and higher education institutions, young scientists and researchers took part in the event.

No less memorable was the online conference organized by the department, which was held jointly with colleagues from the Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi.

Remote forums with the participation of foreign experts are held on a regular basis. One of the topical messages of Turkmen scientists, which was presented at such events, was devoted to scientific research, which is being implemented in the country under the supervision of UNESCO departments within the framework of the International Conference “Implementation of the principle of the Sustainable Development Goal “Quality Education”, which became a fruitful initiative of the Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev.

Members of the department also presented a report on the important role of folk pedagogy in the development of Turkmen national culture during the International Conference “Family as a Traditional Value of Modern Russia and the Caspian Countries.”

The participation of the department's teachers in a video conference organized jointly with the Institute of Asian and African Countries of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov was also quite productive. Then colleagues from two friendly countries discussed the place and role of Magtymguly in the development of not only Turkmen, but also Russian literature.

The UNESCO Department of the state university cooperates quite actively with Russian higher schools, which occupy high positions in prestigious rankings. Scientists and researchers from the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics were able to evaluate the high-quality training of Turkmen specialists.

The unique chronicle of the UNESCO Chair's activities includes the participation of its representatives in events held at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. From the forum's high rostrum, among other things, reports were made on the development of ethnographic science.

The UNESCO Department at Magtymguly Turkmen State University is also actively involved in educational projects. Evidence of this can be seen in the prestigious diplomas and certificates received by specialists following trainings and seminars organized by the Minsk State Linguistic University.

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