
Rashid Meredov: “Turkmenistan believes in the UN, in its enormous creative potential”


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov spoke at the plenary session of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.

The head of the foreign policy department noted the importance of uniting the efforts of the international community on the path to achieving universal peace, stability and sustainable development. Peace and security, sustainable development, climate change and humanitarian issues – these areas of activity of Turkmenistan are named as priorities.

Let us note the key points in the speech of the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan:

  • Turkmenistan’s humanitarian aid to the Afghan people will continue, including free construction of social facilities and education of Afghan students in educational institutions of our country. Thus, Turkmenistan in practice confirms its firm position of solidarity with the people of Afghanistan.
  • In addressing the global climate agenda, Turkmenistan will pay special attention to environmental protection in Central Asia and the Caspian region. In this regard, the country advocates for more active and broader UN participation in saving the Aral Sea.
  • Turkmenistan is ready to work towards more active cooperation with the UN, the physical presence of the Organization’s offices in the region on a permanent basis. As a concrete step, the country is working to create a specialized structure in cooperation with the UN – the Regional Center for Climate Change Technologies.
  • Turkmenistan appeals to the UN, its specialized agencies such as UNEP and UNDP, financial institutions, environmental funds, primarily the Global Environment Facility, and other structures with an appeal to move to systemic and targeted interaction with the Caspian states in the fight against the shallowing of the reservoir, the destruction of its ecological balance, the reduction of biodiversity, and a number of other environmental and climatic problems of the Caspian Sea.
  • In matters of Sustainable Development, Turkmenistan proposes to promote a number of specific initiatives, such as the development of a Global Framework Program for the Transition to a Circular Economy, as well as the creation of:

- A Global Atlas of Sustainable Transport Connectivity;

- An Alliance for Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development.

Turkmenistan will continue to work with the UN to overcome the consequences of humanitarian crises, solve population problems, protect motherhood and childhood, protect the rights of the disabled, refugees, stateless persons, and on a number of other topics. “Turkmenistan believes in the UN, in its enormous creative potential. For our country, the United Nations has been and remains a unique structure with universal legitimacy.

The UN’s voice must remain decisive in ensuring global peace and security, sustainable development, and solving humanitarian problems. Turkmenistan will continue to contribute to solving global problems for the sake of the future of the planet through the implementation of its priorities,” concluded R. Meredov.

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