
The power of a smile: how it affects health and mood


Every year on the first Friday of October the world celebrates Smile Day. This holiday owes its appearance to the American artist Harvey Ball, who created the famous “smiley” symbol in 1963. The motto of the holiday calls: “Do a good deed. Make at least one person smile”.

It is known that laughter prolongs life, but can a simple smile have the same effect?

Smile - a source of happiness

The muscles involved in smiling send positive signals to the brain, improving our mood. Even an insincere smile can lift your spirits.

Smile and longevity

Research shows that a genuine smile, like laughter, can prolong life. Happiness is the key to health and longevity, and smiling is an easy way to achieve it.

The contagious effect of a smile

People tend to pick up on the emotions of those around them. By smiling, you can elicit a response from others.

Effect on blood pressure

Smiling and laughing speed up your heartbeat and breathing, which helps lower your blood pressure.

Variety of smiles

French physician Duchenne de Boulogne identified 19 types of smiles, of which only 6 are associated with joy. The rest can express various emotions, including embarrassment or sadness.

Rejuvenating effect

When smiling, 5 to 53 facial muscles are involved, which helps to keep them toned and the face looking young.

Attractive smile

Research shows that men find smiling women without makeup more attractive than those who don't smile but have flawless makeup. Interestingly, women smile significantly more often than men: 62 times a day versus 8.

Smiling is a simple but effective way to improve your mood, health, and relationships with others. Practice it more often, and the results will not be long in coming!


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