
Directions of Turkmen-Belarusian cooperation in medical education discussed


During the meeting between the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkmenistan in Minsk Nazarguly Shagulyev and the Rector of the Belarusian State Medical University Sergei Rubnikovich, promising areas of cooperation were identified. This was reported on the website of the Turkmen diplomatic mission.

In particular, the possibility of activating academic interaction with specialized educational institutions of Turkmenistan, exchanging teaching methods and pedagogical experience was considered.

Special attention was paid to discussing the conditions for admission of Turkmen citizens to the first year and preparatory department, as well as their living conditions in student dormitories.

As the source notes, today the educational process at BSMU is organized in seven faculties: medical, dental, pediatric, medical and preventive, pharmaceutical, medical faculty for foreign students, career guidance and pre-university training and 3 institutes: military medical and advanced training and retraining of health care personnel, research institute of experimental and clinical medicine.

The university has over 7500 students, postgraduates, and clinical residents, including over 2000 foreign citizens from over 50 countries who receive education in Russian and English. The university is included in the World Directory of Medical Schools.

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