
The use of excise in Turkmenistan


Excise - one of the oldest types of tax. In ancient sources it is mentioned that there were excises on salt (in the ancient world, salt extraction never kept up with its consumption, making it a scarce and expensive product), the first mention of which dates back to the era of Ancient Rome. With the development of the market, historically it turned out that luxury goods and goods that are in high demand have become objects of excise taxation.

Tax and Excise

The main differences of excise taxes from other taxes and obligatory payments for consumption are their specific scope of application - the consumption of a specific product or group of goods and their equivalence.

Excise in Turkmenistan

In our Republic, excise taxes are divided into three main groups, which are divided according to the function they perform.

The first group consists of the so-called traditional excise taxes: for alcohol and tobacco products. This type of excise has two main objectives:

- restriction of consumption of unhealthy products

- fiscal function.

The second group includes excise taxes on fuel and lubricants, which, in addition to the fiscal function, also perform the role of a payment for the use of roads and a method for correcting negative influences.

The third group includes excise ох taxes on the so-called "expensive" goods (cars, expensive electronics, etc.). To a greater extent, this type of excise is intended to play the role of a manager, since the main consumers of the “expensive” goods are more affluent economic entities. Other objectives are also possible, such as:- promotion of domestic producers

Regulation of excise in Turkmenistan

In the regulatory legal acts excise, is regulated by Chapter 2 of the Tax Code of Turkmenistan, and the regulatory act “The procedure for marking additional excise stamps of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages imported into Turkmenistan, as well as alcoholic beverages produced in Turkmenistan.” Registered by the Ministry of Adalat of Turkmenistan number 968 from 12 March 2016

List of excisable goods in Turkmenistan

The list of excisable goods, in accordance with the tax code of Turkmenistan are;

- Beer

- Natural grape wines, spirits, liqueurs and other alcoholic beverages

- Gasoline and Diesel

- Alcohol used for making alcoholic beverages

- Tobacco and industrial tobacco substitutes

- Cars (with the exception of special ambulances and specially equipped for disabled persons)

Thus, excise taxes, being an indirect tax, play an important role in the formation of state budget revenues not only in our country, but also in many other states.

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