
What kind of cars drive in Turkmenistan?


The last 10 years in Turkmenistan, the fleet of cars is developing rapidly. On the roads you can find different brands of cars. From an economic point of view, cars provide the largest share in the transport market, and at short distances, they actually have a monopoly on the carriage of goods and passengers, and also participate in solving transport problems in all sectors of the country's economy.

- 1961 road city of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

What brands of cars do citizens of Turkmenistan prefer, and which are the most common models on our roads?

It was estimated 17 741 cars from the column "Auto" from the site "Turkmenportal" which is published by users, of which 43% were cars of the Japanese manufacturer "Toyota".

"Toyota" ranks first in the number of preferred cars of our citizens. But as we know, Toyota cars are divided into many models. The most common models of "Toyota" of 43% were; 

Worldwide, Toyota Corolla from 1966 to the present is the car with the largest number of sold copies in the history of the automotive industry.

- 2018 road city of Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

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soyegow2011 ( 19.08.2020 )

Напишите пожалуйста статью про автомобилей, какие легковые автомобили не дозволены для эксплуатации в городе Ашхабад? Гос автоинспекция не оформляет купленные машины в примере: двухдверные опель виты, даево тика с объемом мотора 0.8 ..хотелось бы узнать от имени многих граждан, какие легковые автомобили они не оформляют купли-продажи и технический не осматривают (техосмотр-то есть не проходят тех осмотр). Просим от имени нескольких граждан связаться с ГАИ проконсультироваться и написать статью

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