
Hormones of happiness on a plate: which foods lift your mood


A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients is the key to not only a strong body, but also mental balance. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to stress and depressed mood.

Neurotransmitters are biologically active substances that affect how we feel. For the most part, we get them from food. Products containing neurotransmitters:

• Tryptophan: dark chocolate, bananas, eggs, fish, meat, dairy products, leafy vegetables, greens, soy.
• Iron: meat, legumes, spinach, nuts, broccoli.
• Magnesium: broccoli, banana, dark chocolate, green vegetables, legumes, nuts, soy.
• Vitamin D: tuna, salmon, mushrooms, egg yolks, cod liver.
• Zinc: seeds, grains, legumes, fish, seafood, eggs, beef, lamb, oatmeal, buckwheat.
• Calcium: dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds, grains, broccoli.
• Vitamin B6: nuts, fish, meat, grains, cereals, legumes, spinach, potatoes, lemon, avocado, orange.
• Vitamin B6: nuts, fish, meat, grains, cereals, legumes, spinach, potatoes, lemon, avocado, orange.
• Vitamin B12: fish, meat, dairy products, eggs, nuts.
• Vitamin C: bell peppers, berries, citrus fruits, fruits, sauerkraut.
• Potassium: fish, berries, cereals, parsley, spinach, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.
• Selenium: mushrooms, seafood, nuts, meat, cereals, legumes.
• Omega-3 fatty acids: fatty fish, flax and chia seeds, walnuts.

What foods will help improve your mood

Chocolate. Who hasn't tried to cheer up with chocolate? And this is not just pampering! Dark chocolate contains a whole range of substances that affect our well-being:

- flavonoids take care of the health of the heart and blood vessels, and also stimulate brain function.
- tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, a hormone that regulates mood, sleep and wakefulness.

The taste and aroma of chocolate increases the level of endorphins, giving a feeling of joy and euphoria. Choose chocolate with a high cocoa content (70% or higher) and enjoy it in moderation.

Banana is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for our health and well-being.

Vitamins B6 and magnesium, which one banana contains up to 19% and 10% of the daily value, respectively, help relieve muscle tension and relax.

Vitamin C, manganese, fiber and potassium are all substances also found in bananas that are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

Do you know why you feel a surge of energy after snacking on a banana? This is all thanks to the slow carbohydrates that this fruit is rich in. The starch contained in them ensures a gradual release of glucose into the blood, which prevents sudden surges in sugar, gives a feeling of satiety and, as a result, improves mood.

Nuts are not just a tasty and filling snack, but also a real gift from nature. They are rich in vitamins, microelements, minerals, vegetable proteins, unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber.

Walnuts are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for brain, vision and heart function. They also contain melatonin, a sleep hormone. A lack of melatonin can cause lethargy, drowsiness and bad mood.

Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain vitamin C. Just 100 ml of orange juice contains 53 mg of this valuable vitamin, which covers 64% of the daily requirement.

In addition to strengthening the immune system, vitamin C helps improve mood and increase vigor.

Avocados are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, which play an important role in metabolism and are important for cardiovascular health.

This unique fruit promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins D and A, which are directly related to good mood and vigor.

Eating one avocado a day will provide your body with B vitamins, essential minerals and macronutrients, which will help reduce stress and anxiety.

Leafy vegetables are real helpers in the fight against bad mood.

Due to their high folic acid content, they effectively help combat depression and depression. Folic acid plays an important role in the production of serotonin and dopamine - substances that directly affect our well-being.

Include spinach, Brussels sprouts, watercress, broccoli and other fresh greens in your diet, and you will definitely see changes for the better.

Turkey is a low-fat dietary meat. Turkey contains vitamins and microelements necessary to maintain a good mood: selenium, copper, iron, potassium, vitamins B12 and B6.

Copper promotes iron absorption. Potassium relaxes muscles and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, helping to cope with stress and anxiety.

Chicken eggs are rich in tryptophan. 100 grams of egg white contains 1,0 g of tryptophan, and the yolk contains 0,4 g, which is more than half the daily value of this important amino acid.

If your cholesterol levels are normal, you can safely eat 1-2 eggs a day.

It is worth noting that for excellent health and a boost of energy, it is important to include colorful vegetables and fruits in the menu. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber, which stimulate the production of serotonin - the “happiness hormone”.


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