
Kindergarten in relationships: how to recognize an infantile man


There is an inner child in each of us, and this is normal. But sometimes this child “takes over” the personality, and the person behaves inappropriately for his age. It is especially difficult for those who build relationships with such infantile partners.

Psychologist Olga Romaniv shared with “Evening Moscow” tips on how to recognize an infantile man:

“This is how things turned out” - is the mantra of those who do not want to be held accountable for their mistakes.

Infantile men tend to blame anything other than themselves for their failures: calls from friends that make them late for a date, envious colleagues who got caught up at work, bad weather. They never admit their responsibility and are always looking for external factors to blame. They transfer the same attitude to family life.

“Do it at your own discretion”. Infantile partners masterfully disguise their reluctance to help with a desire for “freedom of choice”. They prefer to give vague answers even to direct questions so as not to bear responsibility for decisions.

“I haven’t fully decided yet...” An infantile man constantly puts off making decisions, be it choosing a dish in a restaurant, a place to relax, or answering a question about his feelings. “I haven’t decided yet” is his favorite phrase, which hides indecision, laziness and inability to take responsibility. You should not waste time on someone who cannot decide even on simple issues, much less in a relationship.

“First people should live for themselves” - this phrase coming from a man’s mouth can have a double meaning. On the one hand, she talks about the desire to enjoy freedom and carefreeness. On the other hand, it may be a sign of immaturity and unpreparedness for the responsibilities associated with parenthood. If your partner constantly puts off talking about children, it may be worth considering his true motives.

“I can’t handle this” Infantile men often use this phrase to shift their responsibilities onto the shoulders of their partner. They do not want to learn new things, do not strive for independence, and are happy to use the help of others. Behind the cute helplessness in everyday life there may be hidden cunning and a desire not to bear responsibility.

Before wasting energy and time on an infantile partner, you need to soberly assess your chances. It is important to understand that it will be very difficult to change such a person. Are you ready to take on the role of a “parent” and constantly solve his problems? Is the game worth the candle?

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