
Captured by overeating: how to break the vicious circle?


Many people are familiar with the feeling of losing control over appetite, when the hand itself reaches for a supplement, ignoring signals of satiety. Overeating is not just an unfortunate oversight, but a real battle that many of us fight in secret from ourselves.

What factors contribute to overeating?

Overeating can be divided into explicit and implicit.

Explicit is episodic cases of overeating that occur in certain situations, for example, during a holiday feast or corporate party.

Implicit overeating is the regular consumption of food in quantities exceeding the necessary, but it occurs unnoticed by the person. Implicit overeating is more dangerous, since it is not realized, and the weight continues to grow.

External reasons that provoke overeating:

Disturbed diet. Chaotic eating, snacking on the go, large dinners at night - all this is a direct path to gaining excess weight, deteriorating well-being and the development of various diseases.

Make a meal plan, cook food at home, eat at the same time, take breaks between meals - these simple rules will help restore your diet.

Wide selection of cafeterias, bakeries and other catering establishments. Seductive aromas of baked goods, bright cafe signs, friendly faces of salespeople - all this is trying to lead us astray from the path to healthy eating.

But how can you resist?

• plan your breakfast.
• take food with you.
• avoid routes with an abundance of cafes.
• do not go to the store on an empty stomach.

Delicious deception. The bright tastes of chips, cakes, ice cream and other goodies are the result of the targeted work of marketers. The use of dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers are just some of the secrets that manufacturers use to make their products as attractive as possible to customers. The combination of sweet, salty and fatty in these products creates a “flavor bomb” that is impossible to resist.

To avoid becoming a victim of food manipulation, you need to consciously choose more natural and simple products.

Greed. Many people are familiar with the feeling of guilt for not eating enough food. “It’s a pity to throw it away”, “Everything has already been paid for”, “You can’t leave it on the plate” - these thoughts push us to overeating, which not only harms our figure, but also negatively affects our health.

Listen to your body. Eat when you're really hungry and stop when you're full. Don't compromise your well-being by feeling guilty about not eating enough food.

Etiquette. In many cultures, hospitality involves lavish food. However, abundance on the table can result not only in a full belly, but also in health problems.

How do you find the balance between politeness and self-care? When you're visiting, don't hesitate to politely ask for a smaller portion.

Gastronomic temptations. Traveling to distant countries gives us the opportunity to try exotic dishes. However, it is important not to give in to temptation and not overuse unfamiliar cuisine.

Distractions cause people to eat more than they need. To avoid overeating, you should avoid eating in front of the TV or computer. And in the company of close people, you need to consciously limit portions so as not to succumb to the general mood.

Compulsive overeating:

Uncontrolled food intake caused by internal psychological or psychophysiological problems requires immediate attention and a comprehensive approach. In advanced cases, the help of a doctor may be required.

Binge eating disorder is an eating disorder that in severe forms can develop into bulimia.

Symptoms of compulsive overeating:

• constant increase in body mass index (BMI)
• sharp fluctuations in weight: either rapid weight loss or weight gain
• insomnia and sleep problems, especially with lethargy and loss of strength
• constant digestive disorders
• frequent episodes of eating without feeling hungry
• steady increase in portions
• loss of appetite control
• depression and guilt after overeating

In some cases, with sufficient willpower, a person can independently cope with the problem of overeating. However, specialist help is often required.

It's important to find balance! Enjoy tasty and healthy food, but don’t make it an end in itself. After all, life is much more than just a set of dishes.

Resource: First. Спортивное питание

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