
Main signs of a sedentary lifestyle


In the modern world, where working at a computer has become the norm, and personal transport has replaced walking, the problem of physical inactivity - lack of physical activity - is especially acute. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects health, well-being, mood and even cognitive function.

How do you know if you're not moving enough?

In this article, we will look at the main signs that will help you recognize the problem and take action in time.

Stiff joints

Joint discomfort and stiffness can signal a variety of problems, including inflammatory diseases such as arthritis or autoimmune disorders. Lack of physical activity can also lead to stiffening of the joints.

Shortness of breath

Are you suffocating from simple tasks? This is due to weak respiratory muscles!

Imagine that your biceps are not trained. Any movement, be it lifting a bag or opening a door, will be difficult. The same thing happens with the respiratory muscles: without regular exercise, they weaken, and even mundane tasks like walking or cleaning can result in shortness of breath.

Bad mood

Physical activity is not only about the health of the body. It directly affects our mental state. Lack of movement can become a catalyst for anxiety, apathy and even depression.

Loss of strength

Do you know the feeling of lethargy and constant fatigue? Even in the morning, after sleep, you feel exhausted. One of the reasons for this condition is lack of physical activity. Physical activity improves blood circulation, stimulates metabolism, and increases energy production.

Slow Metabolism

It is believed that some people naturally have a “fast” metabolism, allowing them to eat more without gaining weight. But the secret is not only in genetics. Movement plays a huge role!

The more active you are, the more calories you burn:

- any movement: walking, dancing, cycling - all this activates metabolism.
- restless movement: fidgeting in a chair, walking back and forth - even such small actions burn calories.
- strength exercises.


Physical activity helps normalize your daily routine.

Bad memory

Movement stimulates the production of BDNF, a “brain protein” that is responsible for the growth and development of neurons. It also increases blood flow in the brain and creates new neural connections that improve cognitive function.

High blood pressure

The more time you spend sitting, the higher your risk of developing cardiovascular disease and the more likely you are to develop hypertension.


Physical activity helps your body control blood glucose levels. Stable blood sugar levels keep you out of the danger zone of type 2 diabetes.

Back pain

Weak muscles are the cause of back pain. A sedentary lifestyle weakens the core muscles and makes them less able to support the spine.

Cravings for snacks

It often seems that the more you exercise, the more you want to eat. But in fact, it's the other way around. Aerobic exercise, such as cycling, swimming, walking and running, reduces appetite by changing the level of “hunger hormones” in the body.

You get sick often

Research shows that low physical activity increases your chances of catching a cold. Regular movement strengthens the immune system.

Dull skin

Moderate exercise improves blood circulation and the immune system, which helps your skin stay youthful.

Attention! The publication is for informational purposes only.


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