
How to recognize a happy person


Happiness is not only a matter of circumstances, but also of your state of mind. Do you want to become happier? Try saying at least a few inspirational phrases to yourself and others every day. This will not only make them happy, but will also have a positive effect on your own mood.

“I am glad to see you”

Each of us meets many people on our life path. It is important to express your joy from meeting a person who is pleasant or dear to you. Don't be shy to show the other person that you appreciate their presence in your life. This can be done mentally, for example, when entering the office, or said in person to a friend.

“I managed”

Try replacing the phrase “I had to” with “I managed”. What's the difference? When we say “I had to”, we mean a lack of choice, which leads to a feeling of victimhood and dissatisfaction with life.

When we say “I managed”, we acknowledge that we ourselves made a choice that led to a certain result.

Here are some examples:

Instead of “I have to get up early to get to work”, try saying, “I manage to get up early to get to work”. In the first case, you focus on what you were forced to do and emphasize your irritation towards the work. In the second case, you focus on the fact that you have achieved the desired result. Agree, it’s good to have work.

You didn't have to cook dinner, but you managed to prepare a delicious dinner for the whole family. When the children grow up and start living on their own, you will miss these family evenings.

“I do not regret anything”

Regrets can keep us from living life to the fullest. When we constantly think about what could have been, we cannot enjoy what we have now. Therefore, it is important to learn to let go of regrets and move on.

“Tell me more”

When someone shares their experiences with us, we often rush to give them advice or solve their problem. However, this may not always be useful. The phrase “Tell me more” shows the other person that you are ready to listen. This helps him feel heard and gives him the opportunity to analyze his own feelings and thoughts. This approach is the key to close and trusting relationships with others.


A happy person is not afraid to assert his or her boundaries. He knows what is important to him and does not allow others to violate his personal space. Therefore, for a happy person, “no” is a natural way to protect himself and his interests. He refuses what he does not like or does not suit him, and does not follow the lead of others, for fear of offending them.

“...not yet”

When a person says: “I can’t...”, “I don’t know how to...” or “I am not...”, he often closes the door to new opportunities for himself. However, if you add the clarification “...yet” to this statement, the person shows that he is open to learning and development. That is, you don’t know how to do something yet, but you are learning or working on it.


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