
Polypropylene bags: types, production method and application


For the storage and transportation of goods over long distances, a variety of containers are used: containers, wooden and plastic boxes, tanks, pallets, as well as bags made of different materials. Polypropylene is considered one of the most common materials for the production of bags.

Woven bags made of polypropylene threads are very popular as packaging for bulk products. Such bags store and transport flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, vegetables and fruits, as well as cement, fertilizers, dry food and even spare parts.

Polypropylene bags practically do not have an expiration date, they are not afraid of dampness, rodents and insects, they are light and durable, at the same time they have a fairly low cost and are always in demand in various fields.

There are three types of polypropylene bags, depending on the purpose. The most high-quality and durable of them are white. For their production, only primary (not recycled) polypropylene is used. Bags made of such canvas are used for food storage. For greater strength and whiteness of the canvas, calcium carbonate is added to the polypropylene granules at the initial stage.

Gray or colored bags are made from recycled materials. They are worse in quality, less durable. Grays are made from a mixture of primary and secondary raw materials, colored ones are made only from secondary raw materials. Non-food products are stored in such bags - building mixtures, mineral fertilizers, non-hazardous chemicals, they are used as covers for transported equipment and machine tools.

White bags are also divided into laminated and with a polyethylene lining. The former protect the substances contained in them from penetrating the outside, the latter protect the contents from moisture and dirt.

Bags are made on a special circular loom. The resulting product is a long seamless “sleeve”, which is then divided into fragments using a thermo-knife. In the sewing workshop, bags of various sizes are sewn from the obtained fragments. Finished bags can be printed with company logos or information about the cargo they contain.

In addition, big bags are made from polypropylene fiber - soft containers for packaging bulk cargo. Their difference from ordinary polypropylene bags is their capacity (from 20 kg to 3 tons), as well as the presence of special “handles” - loading straps and an upper or lower hatch for loading goods.

IE Rowachlan Galkynysh is one of the leading enterprises in Turkmenistan for the production of polypropylene bags. Under the Rowachpack brand, the plant produces exclusively white bags from primary raw materials intended for food storage.

Raw materials for the production of Rowachpack bags are used only Turkmen, produced at the Turkmenbashy oil processing complex.

Rowachpack products are exported and enjoy well-deserved popularity among foreign partners. Sacks and big bags with a capacity of 20 kg to 1 ton are exported to Russia and other CIS countries.

Contacts of IE Rowachlan Galkynysh: (+993 62) 60 68 80, (+993 64) 97 14 78 and (+993 12) 29 39 33. E-mail


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