
Who needs it: the ridiculous and crazy discoveries of British scientists


There are many discoveries in the world that are classified as absurd or ridiculous, but the studies of British scientists are most often mentioned in this context.

As the British scientists themselves explain, the UK often allocates funding for sensational developments, while not caring about the scientific value of discoveries.

This happens for several reasons. First, there is fierce competition for grants in the UK. To receive funding, researchers must present their project in the most attractive way possible. This often leads them to exaggerate the potential of their work and promise results that cannot be achieved.

Secondly, sponsors are interested in getting high-profile and sensational results. Such results attract media attention and can enhance the sponsor's reputation. This results in sponsors often favoring studies that have a high likelihood of success, even if they are not the most important or promising.

British scientists are very active, and take on the disclosure of literally any secret that comes to hand.

Three piglets

Scientists have found that the gray wolf had to blow at a speed of at least 4,8 kilometers per second to demolish the thatched roof of the piglets' house. This is 34 times the speed of the most powerful tornado. Conclusion: the wolf could not reach such speed. But the researchers specify that they may have overestimated the strength of the roof to the pig house. In the future, they plan to conduct new studies that will take into account all the factors that can affect the destruction of the gilt's home.

The perfect sandwich

N=C+{fb(cm)•fb(tc)}+fb(Ts)+fc•ta – now you know the formula for the perfect sandwich!

To derive the formula, British scientists had to use 50 volunteers. Participants rated the taste and texture of more than 700 bacon sandwiches. As a result of the experiment, it was found that the ideal bacon sandwich should crunch with a volume of no more than 0,5 decibels.

James Bond and cirrhosis of the liver

By counting how much alcohol “Agent 007” drinks in each of Ian Fleming's books, British scientists have come to the conclusion that James Bond in real life would have already died of cirrhosis of the liver. On average, Bond drank six bottles of vodka a week, and in “From Russia with Love”, he drank three bottles a day. Despite this, Bond successfully coped with his missions.

Love at first sight does not happen

Instead of love at first sight, which is often sung in literature and films, people can only experience attraction and euphoria. According to scientists, the brain is able to constantly rewrite existing memories. Therefore, we can falsely believe that since feelings are strong and strong in the present, it means that it has been so since the first meeting.

Cats see humans as their brethren

Biologist John Bradshaw, who has studied the behavior of cats for several decades, has come to the conclusion that domestic cats perceive people as themselves, but large.

The scientist argues this with the following facts: cats hold their tail with a pipe and rub against someone when they express their love for them. In feline society, smaller cats tend to be subservient to larger ones. This applies to kittens in relation to their mother or older relative, as well as cats in relation to cats.

A few more examples of wasted time and tens of millions of pounds:

  • proved that ducks love rain;
  • keep a close eye on the flies to find out what color the insects like the most;
  • found out the average growth rate of the ears – 0,22 millimeters per year.

In 1991, the Ig Nobel Prize was established specifically for ridiculous research - a parody of a prestigious international award. Every year in October, ten Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded – “for achievements that make you first laugh, and then think”. The winners are awarded a prize - 10 trillion Zimbabwean dollars (about 10 US dollars).

Who knows, perhaps in the future many of the ridiculous studies of British scientists will find practical application.


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