
How to deal with shopaholism and stop wasting money on nonsense


Spontaneous purchases, when a person, under the influence of a momentary mood, suddenly purchases some thing that he did not plan to acquire even in the future, many are susceptible. However, the majority is still able to fight their impulses and in time stops the desire to immediately spend money on, in general, an unnecessary thing to him. But there is a certain category of people for whom the problem of spontaneous purchases is quite acute. Such people, they are called shopaholics, acquire a lot of unnecessary, impractical and frankly low-quality things, spend impressive amounts of money on them, and then reproach themselves for being extravagant.

To attract a purchaser, marketers use special psychological tricks that affect the subconscious and the senses and encourage them to make purchases. These tricks include the following:

  • the use of color. Goods of bright colors (red, orange, etc.) are striking, therefore they are the most attractive to the purchaser;
  • at the eye level of the average person on the shelves are usually the most expensive goods or goods with an expiring shelf life;
  • tactile sensations - try not to touch the goods once again with your hands, especially if the seller obsessively sticks it into your hands. Tactile contact causes a subconscious willingness to purchase even that product that is not really needed;
  • smells and sounds. Often in stores they use the method of influencing the hearing and smell of the purchaser. Pleasant relaxing music sets you in the right mood, turning off criticality and inviting you to unnecessary purchases. The same goes for smells: delicious food, expensive perfume, expensive leather.

Listed below are a few simple and effective ways to limit your desire to purchase “everything and more”.

Do not go to the supermarket hungry - this way you can pick up a lot of unnecessary expensive and harmful goods - chips, sweets, deli meats and the like.

Make a list and take a limited amount of money.

Do not fall for offers like “Coffee can + mug”, “3 for the price of 1”. Such offers make you want to purchase goods for future use on the cheap, but you should ask yourself the question, do you need another mug or three identical goods “in reserve”.

If you liked an expensive thing and caused an irresistible desire to purchase it, you need to ask yourself a few questions: “Can I not buy this?”, “What happens if I don’t buy it?”, “Do I have a place to store this thing at home?”, “How exactly will I use this thing?”.

Take a break for two or three days. During this time, you can change your mind.

Do not purchase “in reserve” cheap souvenirs with the aim of someday giving them to someone or using them on a special occasion. Most likely, they will remain lying at your place and the money will be spent in vain.

You can use the following arguments for self-hypnosis:

  • small unnecessary things take up a lot of space and make cleaning difficult;
  • I will most likely throw them away, and excess garbage, especially plastic, will cause another damage to nature;
  • With the money saved from this purchase, I'd rather purchase something healthy or spend it on cultural recreation (going to the theater, to a concert, to the gym, etc.).


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