
How to force yourself to do something and develop motivation


We used to study and work, constantly overcome yourself, not to like Monday and look forward to Friday. People are lazy creatures. They are quickly distracted and divert attention from the main task, replacing it with small but non-priority ones.

Let’s consider procrastination reasons (postponing things for later): an uninteresting task, wrong priority distribution, poor time management, absence of fear of failure from not completing the task, perfectionism (strive to do it ideally, so we do not do it at all).

Motion thought a closed tunnel – kinder garden-school-university-work, at the end of which, as it seems to us, a well-deserved reward awaits: recognition, success, money and other symbols of social approval. 

A person fulfills the tasks prescribed by society and achieves success by relying on external motivation.

But in the ground of interrupted process of learning, there is also an inner motivation that is built by person independently. To learn, to set personal targets, to master in the future, he decides for himself. And for this the inner motivation is required.

How to find motivation:

  • write down your interests on a piece of paper;
  • select from them three areas in which you want to achieve success (foreign languages, study, travel);
  • clearly formulate the goal and think through the actions;
  • always remind yourself of your goals. 

Three simple words: “Don't break the chain” helped Jerry Seinfeld become one of the most successful comedians in the world. Every day he wrote new jokes, and marked them with a cross in the wall calendar. As soon as the crosses began to form a chain, the motivation increased.


Seinfeld’s method due to which he become the host of a popular TV show, is an excellent example of how the way to success starts with strong motivation.

Often motivation comes after we start working towards target achieving, and the trick is to make yourself to make a first step. And then inertia will help to continue moving forward and give an integral effect.

For example, starting at the age 32 years, Warren Buffet increased his net worth by 1257% by the age of 44. In the period from 44 to 56, he increased his capital by 7268%, because he slowly but surely began to build up the investment chain and never stopped. 


When you begin to perform your task, you form a habit. Let's say you want to publish a new blog entry, but you can't get started. Promise yourself to w-+rite one paragraph a day until the article is ready. You can form a ritual related to your classes. Pour a cup of fragrant coffee, meditate for a couple of minutes – and get started. 

The power of rituals helps many. The world-famous author and motivational speaker Tony Robbins “prepared” his brain every morning. In 10 minutes, he performed three sets of 30 breaths from kapalabhati pranayama, expressed gratitude and prayed for help, guidance and strength. Having prepared in this way, Tony began his successful day.

Thus, we summarize: make a schedule, think up a ritual, and by this way, your motivation will gradually develop. Decide what do you want to achieve, make a vow to stick to the schedule and remember the advice of Jerry Seinfeld – do not break the chain. 

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