
10 sports questions everyone has


Each of us, in one way or another, is associated with sports, someone is engaged at home, and someone at a professional level, and there are those who follow the athletes and their achievements from the outside. But, nevertheless, some moments for many of us still remain a mystery. We analyze the most popular questions about sports.

1. What are golf ball grooves for?

Golf ball notches were not always present. The first balls were completely smooth and stuffed with feathers and covered with leather. But later, the next generation was cast. And it was then that the players noticed such a pattern, that is, the more dents and scratches there were on the ball, the farther it flew in distance. This observation led to the emergence of the familiar to us balls with grooves. The number of grooves on average on a modern ball reaches from 300 to 500 pieces, and they are all located strictly according to the standard, even the slightest discrepancy can lead to a change in characteristics.

2. How can synchronized swimmers hear music underwater?

In order for synchronized swimmers not to get lost during performances and to be able to hear music even under water, special underwater speakers should be built in the pool in advance. Naturally, due to the density of the water, the sound is heard much worse, but nevertheless it helps the swimmers to hear at least the rhythm and perform all movements on time, strictly according to the program.

3. Why are the Olympic rings these colors?

In general, if you take, then the closed Olympic rings symbolize the cohesion and unity of the five continents, that is, the union of all parts of the world and the global nature of the Olympic Games. And colors mean symbols of various elements. Blue is water, red is the element of fire, yellow symbolizes the energy of the earth, black is the energy of metal, and green is characteristic of the energy of a tree.

4. How much does a hockey goalkeeper's ammunition weigh?

Hockey is a sport where few people do without injuries, for this reason this sport is considered one of the most dangerous. Therefore, such a large equipment should protect athletes, especially the goalkeeper, who is always under the threat of a blow. Hence the weight - about 30 kg. The outfit consists of shields, helmet, gloves, armor and more.

5. What is this “white flour” that gymnasts put on their hands?

Many people mistakenly believe that gymnasts rub flour in their hands before the performance itself, but this is far from the case. “White flour” as everyone thinks is actually white powder of magnesia, which removes even small traces of moisture from the hand, which helps to improve grip with the projectile.

6. What is the most expensive sport?

Everyone's favorite “Formula 1” auto racing is recognized as the most expensive kind of sport. It is also known that pilots receive large fees, but before that, the athletes themselves have to invest a lot of effort and, of course, finance not only on the equipment itself, but also on its maintenance.

7. Who was the youngest Olympic champion?

The boy Marcel Depaye, about 8-10 years old, is not even known exactly his age, who accidentally got to the Olympics in 1900. In the final rowing race, the Dutch decided to replace the heavy helmsman with a boy and won the race. Marseille became an Olympic champion, but did not receive any awards and did not even make the list of winners.

8. Why and why do swimmers wear two caps at once?

Fans of this sport began to notice that swimmers often wear two rubber caps on their heads at once, but for what? Is it really so that the hair remains dry and does not interfere. No, the whole point is that it is very important for swimmers to protect their eyes from water, and for a tighter pressing of the glasses, athletes wear two rubber caps at once.

9. Why is the football field striped?

The stripes themselves act as additional markings and with the help of them the referees determine the location of the players. The very effect of light and dark stripes on the football field is achieved precisely by cutting the lawn in different directions. After cutting, the grass falls in different directions, and due to this, such an illusion of a striped field is created.

10. Why are soccer balls black and white?

In 1970, televisions were still black and white, but even then football matches were broadcast live. And against a backdrop of vibrant grays, the black and white ball stood out very clearly. And since then, they decided not to change the tradition of dyeing the ball in black and white.


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