
Turkmenistan celebrates World No Tobacco Day


Today, May 31, progressive humanity celebrates World No Tobacco Day.

On this day, events around the world aim to draw attention to the health risks associated with tobacco use and call for effective policies to reduce tobacco use. This year, this date is celebrated under the motto “Protecting children from the interference of the tobacco industry”.

Turkmenistan has made great strides in tobacco control, primarily due to the country's political will and commitment to comply with the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. This was reported on the pages of the

“Neutral Turkmenistan” newspaper by Jeren Esenova, deputy director for medical work of the oncology center in the city of Arkadag.

Turkmenistan closely monitors achievements in this area in other countries. Thanks to active cooperation with international partners and, in particular, WHO, the positive experience of other countries is adopted. According to the World Health Organization, Turkmenistan is a shining example of leadership in the European region in this direction.

Committing to achieving tobacco-free status by 2025, the Government of Turkmenistan has become the largest donor to tobacco control in the European Region, providing significant financial support for the implementation of the project “Implementing the Ashgabat Declaration: A Tobacco-Free European Region”.

A strong legislative framework has been created in Turkmenistan to combat smoking; active work is being carried out at the state level to prevent and combat bad habits; programs are being implemented to promote a healthy lifestyle and develop the sports movement. Educational work is constantly carried out.

The implementation in Turkmenistan of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which the country ratified in 2011, plays an important role in the fight against this hazardous habit.

It is important to know that smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke increases the risk of developing many diseases. In particular, active and passive smoking affects lung health and can cause diseases such as lung cancer and chronic respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma. In addition, children who are exposed to second-hand smoke are at increased risk of contracting lower respiratory tract infections, as well as developing and worsening asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.

Traditionally, educational events, conferences and round tables dedicated to the harmful effects of tobacco are held in Turkmenistan in May. This month also marks the month of the fight against lung cancer. During this period, extensive propaganda events are organized among the population, various causes are identified that can lead to dangerous lung tumors.

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