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A seminar dedicated to the production of iodine was held in Ashgabat


Yesterday, a scientific seminar on the production of iodine was held at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. This was reported by the publication “Turkmenistan: Golden Age”.

The meeting was opened by the director of the Institute, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Hallymyrat Atayev, who spoke about the ongoing work to develop the scientific foundations and technologies for the production of iodine products from local raw materials.

Scientists and experienced specialists of the Institute also spoke. Deputy Director for Scientific Work Oraz Charyev devoted his speech to research work on identifying rare elements and their compounds in hydromineral raw materials, associated and formation waters of oil and gas fields, and industrial wastewater.

The topic of various raw materials for the production of iodine was continued in his speech by the chief researcher at the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Chary Kuliyev.

Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Chemistry and Technology of Natural Hydromineral Raw Materials of the Institute, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Lyudmila Atamalova, in her speech, described methods for complex processing of industrial waters from iodine enterprises in Turkmenistan and the production of new products from them.

Turkmenistan has large reserves of iodine-bromine waters and significant production and export potential in this area. High frequency technical iodine produced in the country is used in the production of photographic materials, dyes, electronics, synthetic rubber, various chemicals, liquid crystal indicators and is exported to a number of foreign countries.

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