
Overalls and uniforms as an element of production safety and corporate spirit


Everyone knows that in large industrial enterprises, almost all employees are required to wear special clothing. There are also overalls for medical workers, employees of the food industry, catering establishments. In this case, the mandatory wearing of overalls is explained by safety requirements - in relation to the employees themselves, their products, or in relation to customers (visitors of cafes and restaurants, hospital patients).

The uniform is an integral part of the image of military personnel and representatives of law enforcement agencies, railway workers, naval employees and pilots, as well as doctors and culinary specialists.

In recent years, the practice of wearing uniforms by employees of various companies, enterprises, and organizations has become increasingly popular. In these cases, the use of uniforms plays a more psychological than practical role. Neat unified clothing provides a presentable appearance to the staff and permits them to feel like part of the team. Also, the uniform is able to discipline the employee, and it is easier for other people to distinguish the company employee from the rest. This is especially noticeable in the example of stores - a seller in overalls cannot be confused with an ordinary visitor and provoke an awkward situation.

At large enterprises, especially those associated with heavy industry, the production of food products, medicines, in the construction industry, overalls are one of the items of safety measures. Comfortable, non-restricting overalls help increase productivity, increase employee confidence in their abilities and reduce injury risk.

Usually, production is associated not only with the risk of increased injuries, but also with the fact that in the process of work, clothing is heavily soiled or torn. To protect everyday clothes from damage, a special uniform comes to the rescue.

For medical and food workers, uniforms are one way to comply with sanitary measures, while for company or service industry employees, it is more of an element of corporate ethics that unifies and makes you feel like an important part of a huge mechanism that is often compared to the work of a large enterprise or organizations.

In Turkmenistan, many enterprises, both public and private, specialize in tailoring overalls and uniforms for workers in various sectors of the national economy. One of these enterprises is the State Enterprise “Nebitmash” of the Ministry of Industry and Building Materials of Turkmenistan. Its main profile is the production of equipment for the oil and gas and electrical industries of our country, but SE “Nebitmash” is also engaged in sewing overalls for its employees, as well as for workers in other areas.

The sewing shops of SE “Nebitmash” produce jackets, trousers, mittens, vests, pea jackets for workers in drilling, industrial production, and construction organizations. Overalls from “Nebitmash” are sewn from extra durable fabrics that can withstand stress in the form of friction, frequent washing and high temperatures, and many items of clothing are equipped with stripes of reflective fabric for the safety of people working on the streets or in poor lighting conditions.

Contact details SE “Nebitmash”: Ashgabat, st. 2008, 6.

Phones for information: (+993 65) 69 91 64; (+993 12) 76 02 43; 76 03 69.

Fax: (+993 12) 76 02 25.


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