
Ish Nokady coworking center reveals the secret of its success


The first coworking center in Turkmenistan "Ish Nokady" is a creative business environment, where young entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, IT professionals, consultants, trainers can get comfortable workspaces, soundproofed meeting rooms, recreation areas, business literature and educational events.

The mission of the coworking center is to stimulate the development of the private sector in our country. Ashgabat coworking space opened a year ago. It was supposed to become the busiest place in the capital in terms of developing business ideas, training, creating projects and startups. And so it was, until a difficult period fell to its lot - the time of a global pandemic. How the coworking space managed to overcome the crisis and become one of the successful projects in a short time, the Ish Nokada employees themselves tell.

“Considering that our target audience was not previously familiar with the type of activity in coworking, through thematic events, trainings, seminars, meetings of the English Club, business meetings, we managed to convey the benefits of such work. In a very short time, the coworking center has become a frequently visited and popular place in the capital. Now we have residents, for whom we strive to create comfortable conditions.

Ish Nokada's team works tirelessly to provide decent training, no matter what happens: we strive to ensure that all our residents work in peace and can focus on what is important to them. The global coronavirus pandemic has made its own adjustments to the activities of many organizations and businesses around the world. This situation has not spared our country either. In July 2020, to prevent cases of contracting an infectious disease in Turkmenistan, restrictions were introduced on attending events with a large crowd of people, international and domestic transport communications were suspended, many retail outlets switched to selling goods via the Internet, some companies switched to remote work. In July and August last year, attendance at the coworking center dropped sharply.

However, "Ish Nokady", realizing the importance of the preventive measures taken by the state, urgently revised his strategy for further business development in a difficult period for all. Realizing that many are forced to switch to distance work and training, we started negotiations with one of the Moscow business schools to provide distance learning opportunities for citizens of Turkmenistan.

We know that private sector development requires management skills, and our target audience are directors, entrepreneurs, top managers and other employees who are ready to climb the career ladder and increase their income.

Considering that there are no similar products for MBA business education on the domestic market, in July 2020, we were able to launch this project, and became the official representatives of the City Business School in Turkmenistan, having received an exclusive right.

From July 2020 to the present day, we have connected about 150 listeners to distance learning and increased our financial result, which made it possible to reach the break-even point and recoup the project of the coworking center: for comparison, the project should have paid off in another 1.5 years from the day his discovery.

Despite all the difficulties, we were able to maintain our status in the market. Now the coworking center is positioned as a successful enterprise. We are glad that we are contributing to the development of the private sector, and that we have made business education accessible to the population! "

The coworking space is not going to stop there, but plans to continue the implementation of new projects. Now there are five such projects, one of which is business training for young people, because the training of strong entrepreneurs is possible from a very young age. The main thing is not to give up and work hard, the Ish Nokady employees are sure!

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