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Central office of Senagat Joint-Stock Commercial Bank
Joint-stock commercial bank "SENAGAT" one of the first commercial banks founded in Turkmenistan, has been formed by 22 founders-shareholders on October, 18th, 1989 as Turkmen commercial bank. The basic purpose of creation of bank is support of private entrepreneurs and the enterprises engaged trading and industrial activity. On November, 20th, 1993 Turkmen commercial bank "Senagat" has been reformed to Joint-stock commercial bank "Senagat".
At present JSCB "Senagat" is public held joint-stock company and operates according to Laws of Turkmenistan « About credit establishments and bank activity», «About joint-stock companies» and other acts of Turkmenistan, and also the Charter of Bank.
The Bank has the brunch network in all the velayat centers, and also in capital of our country and the cities of Turkmenbashy and Serdar of Balkan velayat, 6 points in capital and 1 points in velayats. The quantity of clientele served by bank makes more than 120 thousand, from which 96 % physical persons and private entrepreneurs.
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