

Туркменистан, г.Ашхабад, ж/к Шор, ул. Алтын сув, д.11.
(+993 12) 74-36-16, 74-36-22, Факс: (+993 12) 74-32-37
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"Hasar" (pronounced [khasar]) Economic Society is the largest manufacturer of confectionery products in Turkmenistan. The first production of "Hasar" confectionery products was organized in April 2000. Today more than 350 people work in the confectionery factory of "Hasar" ES.

The range of "Hasar" includes about 100 items of various confectionery products, including chocolate sweets, glazed sweets, candies, cookies, toffee, wafer biscuits and marmalade sweets.

"Hasar" company has organized and certified a quality and food safety management systems based on the principles of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000:2018, and also implemented a system for compliance with the requirements of international standards GSO 2055-1:2015 and UAE.S 2055-1:2015, which establishing general requirements for Halal food products.

"Hasar" implements a policy of maximum availability of its products in the domestic market, the sales geography of "Hasar" products covers the whole of Turkmenistan. The products of "Hasar" are well known both in the domestic market and far beyond the borders of Turkmenistan.

"Hasar" ES having received its name in honor of the highest peak of the Kopetdag mountain range located in Turkmenistan, emphasizes that it strives for the highest achievements.

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