
2022y. - Examination questions in English for the 10th grade students of secondary schools

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Examination questions №1

1.    Read the first paragraph of the text and ask 5 wh-questions on the extract.  (English 10, pgs. 130 -131).

2.    Find the opposites of the following: sovereign, boring, real, love, ancient.

3.    Speech topic: My rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution of Turkmenistan.

Examination questions №2

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 59-60) and find Turkmen/Russian equivalents of the key words :  to commemorate, independence,  to celebrate, to declare, to be observed, to announce.

2.    Put Special Questions to the words in bold type. Begin with wh- words given in parenthesis.

       1)    The Turkmens usually have got extended families. (Who)

       2)    I can’t make today’s first class. I went to bed too late.  (Why)

       3)    John has got a few pen-friends in Turkmenistan. (How many)

       4)    We usually do exercises before  the morning assembly. (When)

3.    Speech topic: The Great Silk Road as the ancient key to developing friendship between nations.

Examination questions №3

1.    Read the first three paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 88) and make up 3 sentences of your own with the key words:  air pollution,  environmental protection, morbidity.

2.    Complete the sentences with the prepositions: without, in, of, at, from.

       a)    Books are source ______ knowledge. 

       b)    A society cannot live ______ proper knowledge.

       c)     Knowledge ______ foreign languages is necessary ______ our life.

       d)    You can get knowledge ______ school and also _______ books, magazines, TV programs and internet.

3.    Speech topic: Interesting facts about education at Oxbridge.

Examination questions №4

1.    Read the closing paragraph of the text (English 10, pg. 105) and  make up three sentences of your own using the key words: tears of happiness and joy, to hug somebody, a Turkmen yurt.

2.    Put the correct preposition of time into each gap.

      a)    Beethoven began his musical education ____ the age of five.

      b)    I lived in Paris ___ five years, ____ 1975 ____ 1980.

      c)     We never see out cat. ____ the day it sleeps, and it goes out ___ night.

      d)    I don’t usually go out ___ the evening, except ____ Monday evening, when I play snooker.

3.    Speech topic: My favourite Turkmen artist/composer / musician.

Examination questions  №5

1.    Read the first four paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 8). and give Turkmen/Russian equivalents for the following words from this extract    Day of Knowledge,  a powerful factor, to overcome weakness, spiritual advancement, to face dangers.

2.    Complete the sentences with the prepositions: to,  in, at, from. with

       1)    Do you believe _____ magic?

       2)    I didn’t realize that John was married _____ Jessica.

       3)    What are you all laughing _____? What’s the joke?

4)    She’s suffering badly ______ sunburn.

5)    Did you succeed ______ convincing your father you were telling the truth?

3.    Speech topic: Recent educational reforms in Turkmenistan.

Examination questions   №6

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text  (English 10, pg. 232) and explain the meaning of the following words: secular, sovereign, development, recognized,  to guarantee .

2.    Complete the sentences with “some” or “any”.

       a)    I did Exercise 1 without ____ help.

       b)    Would you like ____ more fizzy mineral water? I don’t want ____ more.

       c)     ____ people don’t have ____ problems learning foreign language.

       d)    Why don’t you ask your father to lend you ____ money? I haven’t got ___.

3.Speech topic: What should I know going through the customs?

Examination questions    №7

1.    Read the text (English 10, pgs.13-14) and put 5 wh-questions on it. 

2.    Complete the sentences with “like” and “as”:

       a)    My sister is not as tall_____ me.

       b)    Tom has joined a telephone company _______ a product manager.

       c)     My friend Mary looks ___ Madonna.

       d)    Julie is completely overworked. She works ____ a slave.

3.    Speech topic: Why should I protect the environment?

Examination questions  №8

1.    Read the first three paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 10-11) and give synonyms for the following: focus, rank, education, in honour, facility .

2.    Complete the sentences using who or which.

        a) The food _____ we ate turned out to be a finger food.

        b) Dinosaurs are animals ______ disappeared thousands of years ago.

        c) The man ______ we saw yesterday  was an operating doctor.

        d) The  teacher ______ spoke a fluent Japanese had spent 5 years in  Japan.

3.    Speech topic: Why and how do the Americans celebrate Thanksgiving?

Examination questions  №9

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 212) and choose 5 horse terms to explain them.

2.    Use the Passive Voice in the following sentences.

       a)    The new library ______ two years ago. (to build)

       b)    All the mistakes ______ by the teacher. (to correct)

       c)     At the meeting at an American University the Turkmen professor _____ questions in the country. (to ask)

       d)    The table ______ by me 5 days ago. (to buy)

3.    Speech topic: Independence as a long cherished dream of the Turkmen.

Examination questions  №10

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 116). and highlight the three cases of usage of Passive Voice.

2.    Make up three sentences using the structure I wish I (knew/had/ heard).

3.    Speech topic: Why should I do sport? The sport I do.

Examination questions №11

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 125) and say three differences as compared to our education system.

2.     Give the antonyms to the following words:

        Dependent –

        Negative –

        Useful –

        Real –

        Important  -

3.Speech topic: Heroes never die. A story of a Turkmen hero that fought/fell in World War II.

Examination questions №12

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 53) and highlight three Passive Voice sentences in it.

2.    Give definition to the following words: monument, agenda, collapse, cosy, establish.

3.    Speech topic: Knowledge as the key to achievement of our dreams.

Examination questions №13

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 174.) and  explain the meanings of the words: shuttle, domestic flight, luggage, terminal.

2. Make these sentences passive.

     a) Many foreigners are attending this conference.

     b) A team of builders are building this bridge.

     c) The writer has just finished a new book.

3. Speech topic: Turkmen handicrafts and rugs.

Examination questions №14

1.    Read the first paragraph of the text (English 10, pg.78) and tell the names of five Turkmen rugs you can find in a Turkmen home.

2.    Complete the gaps with –ed or –ing and make up three sentences with them.

       a)    scream___ children

       b)    a satisfi___ customer

       c)     a disgust____ meal

       d)    a confus___ explanation

       e)     a cake load___ with calories

3.    Speech topic: Modern technologies in my life.

Examination questions №15

1.    Read the text (English 10, pg. 109)  and explain the meanings of the following: healthy, overweight,  tinned food, eating habits, essential .

2.    Give Turkmen (Russian) equivalents of the following expressions and phrases.

       a)    to date back to/from –

       b)    to pay great attention to something –

       c)     to be delivered to -

       d)    to pay an important role in something-

       e)     to be destroyed by-

3.    Speech topic:  The sights (a sight) of Ashgabat.

Examination questions № 16

1.    Read the text (English 10, pg. 76) and tell  what the following words mean: horseshoes, to nail, to protect from evil, wedding.

2.    Make up four sentences with ….

3.    Speech topic: My favourite Turkmen/Russian/ English TV channel.

Examination questions  №17

1.    Read the first four paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 83-84) and give Turkmen/Russian equivalents of the following: interaction of man and nature, fatal consequences, species, extinction.  

2.    Give definitions and translation to the following words: to be damaged, environment, pollution.

3.    Speech topic: Yanar Dag as a symbol of a Turkmen horse.


Examination questions  №18

1.    Read the first paragraph of the text (English 10, pg. 73). and give Turkmen/Russian equivalents for the following:  national traditions, present day realities, upbringing of children, respectful attitude to the elders.

2.    Make up five sentences with the Future Perfect Tense.

3.    Speech topic: If I were in Britain, I should visit first ….

Examination questions  №19

1.    Read the first three paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 224-225) and put five wh-questions to it.

2.    Complete the sentences by using –ever words and make question sentences from the given sentences:

       1)    He always say _______ comes to his mind.

       2)    You may leave _______ you wish.

       3)    He makes friends easily with _________ he meets.

       4)    I‘ve got a car.  I can take you to _____ you want to go.

3.    Speech topic: Why should I respect the elders/ my parents/women?

Examination questions  №20

1. Read the first four paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 237-238) and explain the meanings of the following: contemporary, heritage, to meditate, eternal, foundations.

2. Give the synonyms to the words :

    1)    To start –

    2)    To contribute –

    3)    To reduce –

    4)    To raise –

    5)    Spiritual -

3.Speech topic: Dream world: my first day in an American school.

Examination questions №21

1.    Read the text (English 10, pgs. 166-167) and say how many ways of travelling you know and which one you prefer.

2.    Insert the appropriate pronouns and make up three sentences following the pattern.

      1)    Will  you keep _____ word? (your, yours)

      2)    That house over there is _____. (their, theirs)

      3)     I should admit that the mistake is ____. (I, my, mine)

      4)    Is that ____ ticket or ____? (mine, my, her, hers)

      5)    Hey, I want you to meet a friend of ______ (ours, our)

3.    Speech topic: Healthy lifestyles. My food pyramid.


Examination questions №22

1.    Read the first paragraph of the text (English 10, pg. 179) and explain the key words: passenger, stewardess,  crew, travel,  a tiring job.

2.    Put a, the, or nothing (the zero article) into the gaps.

       a)    ‘I haven’t got any money.’ ‘I’m going to ___ bank. I’ll get you some.’

       b)    Has ____ postman been this morning?

       c)     My mother works as ___ postman.

       d)    We’ve seen a house we want to move to. It’s got ___ views over fields, and there’s ____ lovely garden at ___ back.

3.    Speech topic: Who is a true friend?

Examination questions  №23

1.    Read  the first three paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 196-197) and say if you have visited any center of  ancient civilization in Turkmenistan.

2.    Make up five sentences with Past Perfect.

3.    Speech topic: What is life for me?

Examination questions  №24

1.    Read the first two paragraphs of the text (English 10, pg. 194) and tell the legend about Waharman.

2.    Form nouns from the adjectives below and make up  three sentences  with them:

       1)    historical

       2)    natural

       3)    architectural

       4)    national

       5)    miraculous

3.    Speech topic: Our national values.

Examination questions  №25

1.    Read the first three paragraphs of the text (English 10, pgs. 196-197) and ask five wh-questions on it.

2.    Form nouns from the verbs below by adding noun suffixes and make up  three sentences with them.

       1)    to inspire –

       2)    to reflect –

       3)    to perfect –

       4)    to celebrate –

       5)    to confuse –

3.    Speech topic: My favorite food and its recipe.

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