
The beauty salon "PREMIUM" & "TAU" fitness club

Туркменистан, г.Ашхабад, ул. Гарашсызлык 30-А, ТЦ "Энар"
(+993 12) 48-15-69, (+993 12) 48-15-79.
Last update:

The beauty salon "PREMIUM" always keeps up to date and follows world trends and scientific achievements in the field of beauty, apply the latest developments in their practice.

The most important thing for them is their clients. They always take into account their needs, the main of which is a combination of the cost of services, their quality and the time spent on them.

"PREMIUM" customers know that they receive a decent product at a reasonable price. With them you do not pay for the interior or status, but for the highest quality of services and talent of the craftsmen.

Moreover, "TAU" Fitness Club takes care of all the needs of your body. Our professional staff is ready to help you with your daily workout in the gym. There are other ways to stay fit and stay healthy at the fitness club. The results of your training are their work. Additional services will help make the club more enjoyable, and the workouts themselves more effective!

Exercise machines, including treadmills, cross-trainers, a stepper, exercise machines for free weights.

Internal personal trainers are provided.

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