
American documentaries to be screened in Ashgabat

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The American film experts will present American films at a variety of public events:

Thursday, October 24
18:30 Presentation by American filmmakers Sax Cole and Phil Hessler
U.S. Embassy American Center 70 Andalyp Street, Ashgabat

Saturday, October 26
16:00 Screening of Above and Beyond: NASA’s Journey to Tomorrow
In English with Turkmen subtitles
Followed by Q&A with American filmmakers
Ashgabat Cinema 115 Magtymguly Avenue, Ashgabat

18:30 - 19:20 Screening of National Parks Adventure
In English with Russian subtitles
Followed by Q&A with American filmmakers
Ashgabat Cinema 115 Magtymguly Avenue, Ashgabat

Sunday, October 27
18:00 - 19:30 Screening of Down the Fence
In English with Russian subtitles
Followed by Q&A with American filmmakers
Ashgabat Cinema 115 Magtymguly Avenue, Ashgabat

Admission to all events is free and open to everyone.

For more information about this program, please contact the Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in Ashgabat at 47-35-06 (1)

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