
Engineering and Technological University of Turkmenistan Oguz Khan announces admission to the magistracy in the direction of training Vocational training (Methods of teaching engineering and technical disciplines) for the 2019/2020 academic year

г. Ашхабад, ул. Кёши, дом 100
Last update:

Education in the magistracy is conducted on a fee basis.
In the magistracy accepted persons with education not lower than the highest, according to the results of interviews on a competitive basis.
Documents are accepted in velayat centers and the city of Ashgabat from July 8 to July 21, 2019.
List of documents:
- application addressed to the rector in the prescribed form;
- application form in the prescribed form;
- the original of the document on higher education and its application (a document on higher education issued in a foreign country is attached with a certificate of its recognition in Turkmenistan);
- medical certificate in the form established by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan;
- description from the last place of study (work, military unit);
- eight photos of 3x4 cm;
- a certified copy of the workbook for workers.
In addition, applicants, together with the above documents, submit and submit to the admissions office copies of the following documents:
- passport;
- military certificate or registration certificate and a certificate from the military commissariat at the place of residence.
The applicant may submit other documents that confirm his preemptive right to enroll in the master's degree.
If necessary, the university reception office may request additional information from the applicant.
For the provision of incorrect information and documents, the applicant shall be personally liable.
The interview and enrollment are carried out at the University (Ashgabat) on August 1 and 2, 2019.
The interview is conducted in English and mathematics.
Interviews in subjects are conducted on the basis of educational programs of higher educational institutions of Turkmenistan.
Persons who fail to appear for no good reason for the interview at the scheduled time or have not passed the interview for one of the subjects are not allowed to follow the interview.
Address of the Engineering and Technological University of Turkmenistan named after Oguz Khan: Ashgabat, st. Kyoshi, house 100, tel .: 39-16-67.

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