Eco Market store, located on the first floor of the Dagbaşy building in the 10th microdistrict, is pleased to offer its customers a wide range of food products and household chemicals.
Eco Market strives to provide its customers with only the best products, carefully selecting suppliers and monitoring product quality. The store shelves feature:
- a wide selection of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, meat and fish.
- a variety of bakery products, cereals, canned goods and drinks.
- a large selection of household chemicals: washing powders, detergents, cleaning products and much more.
Eco Market is open daily from 8:00 to 23:00.
Contact information:
- address: 10th microdistrict, Dagbaşy buildings, 1st floor;
- phones: (+993 65) 65 72 82, 13 13 02, 13 13 04;
- social network page.