
Anamjan Rustamova won a small bronze medal at the youth World Warm Athletics Championship


The Turkmen weightlifter Anamjan Rustamova won a small bronze medal in the exercise of a breakthrough at the Youth World Athletics Championship held in the Spanish Leon. In the weight category to 81 kg, Rustamova raised 103 kg in a jerk, which permitted her to take third place in this exercise.

In the overall standings of the double -workers, Rustamova showed the result of 230 kg, taking fourth place. In the exercise, she raised the push 127 kg, which brought her fifth place.

The winner in this category was Emma Poghosyan from Armenia with a result of 233 kg (100+133), silver went to Vanessa Ernandez from Mexico - 232 kg (104+128), and the Iranian athlete of Ect Jamali - 231 kg (104+127) won bronze.

More than 350 athletes from 67 countries participate in the World Cup. Turkmenistan at the competitions is represented by Anamjan Rustamova and Shahzadbek Matyakubov, who today will perform in the category up to 102 kg.

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