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Appraisal company ABK carries out appraisal works and prepares reports in accordance with current international appraisal standards. ABK's methods of work are based on a clear understanding of the problems and needs of domestic business, as well as a deep knowledge of various sectors of the economy and areas of business. ABK specialists are competent in property valuation for such industries as:

  • food industry;
  • agriculture and animal husbandry;
  • building materials industry;
  • transport;
  • communication and information technology;
  • catering;
  • trade, etc.

Along with the assessment of standard types of assets and property, the specialists of our company assess complex objects of movable and immovable property characterized by non-standard technical parameters, uniqueness in the market, complexity of location, as well as the complexity of legal rights to them.

ABK experts regularly monitor the Turkmen housing and vehicle market. The use of a comparative approach in appraisal, implicit focus on current market prices, is our top priority when making judgments about the market value of the subject of appraisal.

In the case of appraisal of property that generates income, the most preferred approach from our point of view, as well as from the point of view of International Valuation Standards, is income. Our experts have a unique methodology for analyzing the profitability of property and determining its market value, based on forecasting operating expenses and income

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